
Welcome to the Beaumont Group website. We are based in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Durham, UK in the north east of England. We are currently still developing our website, so please return shortly to check out more of our research. In the meantime please look around and also find SKB’s departmental profile page here for further information about our work.
Recent News:
• Great to get a paper accepted in Catalysis Communications on the first day back in the New Year, led by the excellent Catalysis Hub PDRA Xiaoxia Ou with Chris Hardacre (Manchester) on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation in saline conditions (Jan 22).
• EU ITN meeting on bimetallic nanoparticles attended remotely from chilly Durham, but still an excellent meeting. (Dec 21).
• Our new EasyXAFS machine (the first in the UK) gets installed. (Oct 21).
• Very pleased our new Innovate project (with Andrew Smallbone, Durham Engineering, Nottingham, Johnson Matthey and NFU Energy) has made it to the front page of the university – not so sure what I think about the Daily Express saying the work is being done by “boffins [at Nottingham and Durham]”. (Oct 21).
• Excellent to be at Diamond Light Source again – B18 with Ian Fairlamb Group (York) and our group return to B07. (Oct 21).
• Very pleased to welcome Andrea Zachariou as a new PDRA in the group (Oct 21).
• Great to be back at Diamond Light Source for experiments at B07 in person (May 21).
• Delighted to be welcoming new MSc student Aman Ngori to the group (Jan 21).
• Excited that our paper on “spatially orthogonal hierarchically porous acid–base catalysts” with Adam and Karen at RMIT and team is now out in Nature Catlaysis – more on this Here (Oct 20).
• Great to get a paper accepted in Catalysis Communications on the first day back in the New Year, led by the excellent Catalysis Hub PDRA Xiaoxia Ou with Chris Hardacre (Manchester) on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation in saline conditions (Jan 22).
• EU ITN meeting on bimetallic nanoparticles attended remotely from chilly Durham, but still an excellent meeting. (Dec 21).
• Our new EasyXAFS machine (the first in the UK) gets installed. (Oct 21).
• Very pleased our new Innovate project (with Andrew Smallbone, Durham Engineering, Nottingham, Johnson Matthey and NFU Energy) has made it to the front page of the university – not so sure what I think about the Daily Express saying the work is being done by “boffins [at Nottingham and Durham]”. (Oct 21).
• Excellent to be at Diamond Light Source again – B18 with Ian Fairlamb Group (York) and our group return to B07. (Oct 21).
• Very pleased to welcome Andrea Zachariou as a new PDRA in the group (Oct 21).
• Great to be back at Diamond Light Source for experiments at B07 in person (May 21).
• Delighted to be welcoming new MSc student Aman Ngori to the group (Jan 21).
• Thrilled to be welcoming two new PhD students Amy Marsh and Zixuan Han to the group (Oct 20).
• PhD Student Kathryn Macintosh’s work has just been published in Topics In Catalysis (Jul 20).
• Check out our new paper on soft X-ray XANES in PCCP (Apr 20).
• We are excited to welcome Nargiz, our new ESR (PhD) as part of the EU BIKE network (Jan 20).
• Check out our new review on LDH materials https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsc.2019.11.005 (Dec 19).
• We are excited to have Tara and James start as MChem students (Oct 19).
• Check out our latest paper in Nanoscale 10.1039/c9nr04553h
(Jul 19).
• SKB attends kick off meeting in Pisa for our exciting new EU ITN called “BIKE”:www.bike-msca.eu/ (Jun 19).
• Check out our latest paper on AuNi for CO + NO reactions in ACS Catalysis 10.1021/acscatal.8b05154 (Apr 19).
• SKB welcomes the newest group arrival, his daughter, born March 19!
• We welcome Kathryn MacIntosh and Majed Almashnowi as new PhD students (Oct 18).
• We (re-) welcome Dr Li Li as an industry funded postdoc joint with PWD group (Aug 18).
• Paper on Oxygen Evolution from a 4th year student project (Ed Locke) comes out ins Topics in Catalysis, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11244-018-0923-4 (Apr 18).
• Successful beamtimes at Diamond and Elettra (Feb & Apr 18).
• SKB visits Beijing as an invited speaker and part of the Joint NSFC-RSC Symposium on Sustainable Chemistry and Processes (Nov 17).
• Dr Kevin Vincent (PDRA) joins us in a joint “Catalysis Hub” project with Phil Dyer, St Andrews and Manchester universities (May 17).
• Check out the May ACS Catalysis front cover http://pubs.acs.org/toc/accacs/7/5 showing our work on heterogeneously catalysed Glaser-Hay coupling reactions (May 17).
• Check out our 2 new papers this month:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.01.050http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.7b00431 (Mar 17).
• Patrick Ober (Erasmus) Joins the group to undertake work on in situ Raman spectroscopy (Jan 17).
• New positions advertised (PDRA and PhD level – see “Join Us” link at the top of the page (Dec 16).
• SKB visits IIT Madras and the Indian National Centre of Catalysis Research as part of a British Council Researcher’s Links meeting on Rational Catalyst Design (Nov 16).
• We welcome Edward Locke and Harry Cox (4th year MChem students) to join the group (Oct 16).
• SKB presents group’s work in Bath at MICRA (Meeting Inorganic Chemistry Recent Appointees) (Sept 16)
• Laura (PhD student) presents her work at EUCheMS in Seville, Spain (Sept 16)
• Review paper on X-ray methods appears in Catal. Sci. Technol.: https://doi.org/10.1039/C6CY00581K